CG NET | CG Communications Limited

Introduction of CG Net

CG Net is in trending these days due the new internet service provider company which is under Chaudhary Group (CG Corp Global) whose chairman is Mr. Binod Chaudhary. With the mission to transform the way people live, work, play, and everything now CG Net has started there services at the Kathmandu capital city of the Nepal. Now they are focused on High-speed fiber net because in this lockdown many jobholders, students, freelancers work depends upon the internet and lots of ISPs of Nepal are’t able to satisfy customers because of they were not able to provide the internet speed as they promised on the internet packages, so CG Net has opportunity  to grab that customers of other ISPs who are not happy with their service providers. 

Introductory offers 

They are marketting their introductory offers  with the slogan of 120 mbps @ Rs 999. The company hasn’t published the low speed volume on their official website, they have package starting from the internet speed of 120 mbps. 

Plan 1 month3 month6 month12 month
120 Mbps9992,9975,99411,988
One time Set-Up charge
Installation ChargeFreeFreeFreeFree
Drop Wire ChargeFreeFreeFreeFree
Single Band Router250020001500Free
Dual Band Router350030002500Free
Refundable deposit500500500500

13% VAT applicable, All prices are TSC inclusive


The price of Rs 999 for 120 mbps seems unbelievable becaue of Nepal’s leading ISP company Worldlink is providing 60 Mbps internet speed at of Monthly payment of NPR 2,200. CG Net is also going to provide installation, drop wire, router at free of cost for yearly subscribers. Its a cheapest high speed internet package in Nepal.

Installation Time

After they got an order for installation they claim that new services will be installed with in 24-48 hours. 

Fair Usage Policy on Individual Subscription

CGNET’s Fair Usage Policy (FUP) is applicable for Individual subscrption packages only. The internet provider will monitors excessive usage in a monthly cycle. CG Net calculate ata usage by adding download and upload data used by clients every month.

If you use internet data of 1900 GB per month for download and upload you will get full speed of 120 mbps if you use more than 1900 GB the speed of internet will be deducated as per the policy which is about 50% upto 90% speed will be slower.

FUP LevelData Usage QuotaFUP Speed Policy
Original Data BandwidthData Consumption to 1900 GB120 MBPS Original Speed
Level 1Data Consumption 1900-2000 GB50% of original
Level 2Data Consumption2000-2100 GB30% of original
Level 3Data Consumption More than 2100 GB10% of original


Enterprise or Office Package

They don’t have mentioned about their enterprise package. You can contact on their email affress for more information. 

Coverage Area

CG Fibre Net coverage area

Location and Contact Number

Trade Tower Business Centre
Thapathali, Kathmandu 44600
Telephone No. +977-1-5111033
Email: [email protected]

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